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Japanese Spitz Dogs at the Coast


This website is all about you, your dogs, and the great times you share together.


We want you to share those times with us and our visitors - now to do that you don't have to be the worlds greatest author / photographer.


All we need from you is a tale about you and your dog(s) sent to us in pretty much any format and, if possible, some photographs taken with your phone.


We will then do the rest.


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Your Tale could Go Here

If you have found Kaden's tale interesting and can relate to similar adventures with your own JapSpitz then your tale could go here.


Don't worry about the format - we can fix that - all we need from you is the outline tale of adventure (or calamity) and if possible some pictures.


If you are interested then contact Julie to discuss how we can help make this happen.


EMail to

Three beautiful Japanese Spitz dogs - Aiko Akemi and Suki
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